Ward boundary decision and other (better) news
Mural on Lola’s Confectionery
Decision: Donald
Explore the website: Take Action!
OCA Pre-Application Consultation Guidelines
Have you seen the murals at Queen Mary and Lola?
Decision: Donald
Councillor King presented a motion, seconded by Councillor Fleury, to maintain the Overbrook-Vanier ward boundary “at its current location mid-way between McArthur Avenue and Donald Street” at Wednesday’s (December 9, 2020) City Council meeting. We are sorry to report that the motion failed.
Boundary changes approved at the meeting are to take effect in time for the next municipal election in October 2022. Decisions may be appealed to the provincial Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). OCA’s next steps will include exploring the viability of an appeal in this situation. We will also be looking at how to make the best of a disappointing decision.
Thank you to the many who wrote to the Mayor and Councillors and expressed your objections and your belief in our neighbourhood. OCA will continue to work with and for Overbrook residents regardless of which side of the ward boundary you live on.
Explore the website: Take Action!
Once you’ve read this bulletin, click on the “Take Action” tab to check out OCA volunteer opportunities or to support us with a donation.
Volunteers are always welcome. Whether you’d like to join advocacy efforts, deliver the newspaper, help with food delivery (during the pandemic) or events (when COVID restrictions are finally relaxed!) or have other suggestions, contact us at info@overbrook.ca.
Donations are especially welcome at this time to help produce and deliver the newspaper and to cover our rising insurance costs, which are necessary to continue with all our activities!
OCA Pre-Application Consultation Guidelines
The City of Ottawa has a pre-application consultation process for development proposals. Meetings are held to clarify what plans and studies applicants must submit with their proposals. Community association representatives who have been trained on the process and signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement may participate, allowing for early public input into a proposal prior to the formal application.
For transparency, OCA’s Planning and Development Committee has developed guidelines for its representatives available at the following link: Overbrook guidelines for pre-application consultation meetings. Feedback on the guidelines is welcomed at info@overbrook.ca. The document will be amended as required to ensure it encompasses the community.
Have you seen the murals?
On the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association building
They are bright and beautiful!
Created by artist Claudia Salguero and local young people in August, murals were installed on Monday, November 30 on Lola’s Confectionery and the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association building at the corner of Lola and Queen Mary Streets. Big thanks to the artists; Crime Prevention Ottawa for Paint It Up! funding; the project coordinators, the Boys and Girls Club and Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre; Councillor Rawlson King and his staff; and City of Ottawa staff.