Board of Directors

We thank the members of the volunteer Board of Directors for their leadership and commitment. Comprised of at least seven registered Association members, elected at the Annual General Meeting for a one-year term, the Board manages the affairs of the Association. Directors participate in regular Board meetings and actively assist in the work of the Board.

Executive Committee

Our Executive Committee is elected by Directors at their first meeting following the AGM. We always need more volunteers. It’s easy to get involved!

President: Danika Brisson (
Vice-Presidents: Awaleh Ismaël ( & Mélanie Stafford ( 
Treasurer: John Hiemstra (
Secretary: Amanda Vyce ( & Isabelle Brunet (

Standing Committee and Projects

Community Planning

Nora Benamra (Co-ordinator)

Steven Boyle (Vice-coordinator)

Youth Volunteer Hours

Mélanie Stafford -

Rink Care (Overbrook Park)

Derek Wright -

Connexions and ConnexionsExpress

David Ferguson - Editor

Rideau River Kiosk

Steven Boyle (Project Coordinator)

Heather Amys

Visit page

Donald Street Boulevard Garden

This is a project to restore and naturalize 8 boulevard plots found in the block between the Adawe Crossing and North River Road adjacent to the lands leased from the National Capital Commission by the Rideau Sports Club.

Contact Deborah and Abby if you want to help at

OCH Liaison and Francophone Lead

Awaleh Ismaël -

Board of Administration

Awaleh Ismaël

After immigrating to Canada in the 1990s, Ismaël moved to Ottawa and he has been in Overbrook for more than 20 years. He is the co-founder of the Coalition Djiboutienne Francophone de l’Ontario (CDFO), which focuses on engaging the Djiboutian, Somali and Ethiopian communities. He currently works on the Overbrook Community Care project and on the Safety Committee.

Christine Ford


Danika Brisson

A community activist with a particular interest in labour rights, economic justice and solidarity work. She worked on the Overbrook Community Care Project, and the Presland road Fire Solidarity. She believes in strong communities that take care of each other.

John Hiemstra

Mélanie Stafford

Mélanie lutte contre les écureuils dans son jardin d'Overbrook depuis sept ans maintenant.  Elle a travaillé sur le projet Overbrook Community Cares ainsi que le projet de soutien après l'incendie de la rue Presland, et favorise le sentiment d'appartenance et d'interconnexion pour tous les, sauf les écureuils.

Mélanie has been battling squirrels in her Overbrook garden for seven years now. She worked on Overbrook Community Cares as well as the Presland st. Fire support project. She believes in the importance of belonging and a sense of interconnectedness for all neighbours, except squirrels

Amanda Vyce


David Behn

David moved to Overbrook in 2004 and is a frequent contributor to the ConneXions Newspaper.

He performed in Overbrook the Musical, Overbrook Diary and Starry Nights. He is also the “poet laureate of Overbrook” and his interests lie in nature photography and environmental issues.

David Ferguson

David has lived in Overbrook for almost 4 years, and in that short time has become enamoured with the community and its diverse cultures.

Recently retired, he had a successful career as a journalist and interior designer and was the author of The Toronto Star Syndicate’s Creative Space for more than 40 years.

In his spare time, David is an avid rower with the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club (ONEC).

He is excited to be renewing OCA’s ConneXions, and taking it in a new digital direction.

David vit à Overbrook depuis près de 4 ans et, pendant cette courte période, il est devenu amoureux de la communauté et de ses diverses cultures.

Récemment retraité, il a mené une carrière fructueuse en tant que journaliste et décorateur d’intérieur et a été l’auteur de Creative Space du Toronto Star Syndicate pendant plus de 40 ans.

Dans ses temps libres, David est un rameur passionné au sein du Ottawa New Edinburgh Club (ONEC).

Il est ravi de renouveler ConneXions d’OCA et de l’orienter dans une nouvelle direction numérique.


Pamella Mubeza

All Board Members share a common goal: making Overbrook a safer, more inclusive and fun place to live.

Check out below which one of your neighbours is on our Board. If you want to do something for your community, reach out! Be it by social media or email, we would love to connect with you.