Sustaining and celebrating our neighbourhood!
Community Sustainability Workshop this Saturday (15 janvier)
Anti-Racism Strategy Virtual Town Halls Saturday (Jan 15) and Thursday (Jan 20) / Des assemblées publiques virtuelles sur la Stratégie de lutte contre le racisme samedi (15 janvier) et jeudi (20 janvier)
OCA News
a. Annual General Meeting
b. January Board meeting
c. Overbrook 100 : let’s celebrate / célébrons!
d. Another YES project workshop!
Ottawa Outdoor Gear Library pop-up at the Overbrook Community Centre
The Family Homeless Lab is seeking housing search volunteers
Covid-19 update from Ottawa Public Health
1. Community Sustainability Workshop this Saturday (15 janvier)
(Le français suit l’anglais)
Do you live in Overbrook or Castle Heights? Has there been a specific sustainability issue or goal on your mind? Do you have tons of ideas on how to improve your neighbourhood and community?
On Saturday, January 15, from 1 to 4 p.m. on Zoom, Ottawa Biosphere Eco-City and the Overbrook Community Association will be holding a meeting to develop a community sustainability plan, and all residents are welcome to join in by clicking on the event link.
Vous vivez à Overbrook ou Castle Heights? Vous avez des idées pour améliorer la viabilité ou la durabilité de ces communautés?
Samedi, 15 janvier, de 13 h à 16 h, sur Zoom, Ottawa Biosphere Eco-City et l’Association communautaire d’Overbrook organisent une rencontre dans le but de développer un plan de durabilité environmentale communautaire, et toutes et tous sont invités à participer en cliquant sur le lien.
2. Anti-Racism Strategy Virtual Town Halls Saturday (Jan 15) and Thursday (Jan 20) / Des assemblées publiques virtuelles sur la Stratégie de lutte contre le racisme samedi (15 janvier) et jeudi (20 janvier)
(Le français suit l’anglais)
To help inform the City’s first Anti-Racism strategy, the Anti-Racism Secretariat is holding two virtual resident town halls. To register for one of the following virtual town halls and to read the full What We Heard report, please visit the Anti-Racism Secretariat’s Engage Ottawa page
Bilingual Indigenous and racialized resident town hall – Saturday, January 15, 10 am to noon
Bilingual all resident town hall – Thursday, January 20, 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Pour contribuer à l'élaboration de la première Stratégie de lutte contre le racisme de la Ville, le Secrétariat de la lutte contre le racisme organise deux assemblées publiques virtuelles pour les résidents. Pour vous inscrire à l'une des assemblées publiques virtuelles suivantes et pour lire le Rapport sur ce que nous avons entendu au complet, veuillez consulter la page de Participons Ottawa du Secrétariat de la lutte contre le racisme :
Assemblée publique bilingue pour les résidents autochtones et racialisés – Le samedi 15 janvier, de 10 h à midi
Assemblée publique bilingue pour tous les résidents – Le jeudi 20 janvier, de 17 h 30 à 19 h 30
3. OCA Board news
a. Annual General Meeting
Mark February 24. 2022 on your calendar and watch this space for more information. The Nomination Committee is accepting applications to join the Board of Directors. Send your applications to
b. Next Board meeting
Thursday, January 27, 8 p.m. on Zoom, all welcome! The draft agenda and Zoom link will be posted on our OCA Documents page in advance of the meeting.
c. Overbrook 100 : let’s celebrate / célébrons!
We’re celebrating 100 years since Overbrook was recognized as a formal community! To join the group of volunteers planning events like a talent show and treasure hunt and/or to indicate your interest in volunteering on event days or helping to create and place positive signs and artwork around the neighbourhood, send us an email at
d. Another YES project workshop!
Following the successful Art for Social Justice mural and spoken word workshops during the summer, the YES (Youth Engagement for Safety) team is planning a workshop for local youth focused on visual storytelling with a local photographer. The workshop will likely run in March. Follow us on our platforms for updates.
4. Ottawa Outdoor Gear Library pop-up at the Overbrook Community Centre
The Ottawa Outdoor Gear Library (OOGL) now has a pop-up shop at Overbrook Community Centre (33 Quill St) where you can borrow cross-country skis and snowshoes! It’s open from now to March on Tuesdays, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm and Saturdays, 12 pm to 4:00 pm
OOGL’s mission is to respond to barriers experienced by racialized and marginalized communities to nature-based experiences, land-based programming, outdoor recreation, and the associated mental and physical health benefits derived from time outside. Check out their donations wishlist here.
5. The Family Homeless Lab is seeking housing search volunteers
The Family Homeless Lab is in the test phase of its three year mandate, the 100 Days of Learning. Within this period (December 1, 2021, through March 2022) the Lab will test out new approaches to reducing family homelessness in Ottawa. We are seeking volunteers in key neighbourhoods in Ward 13 and Vanier to assist families in their efforts to find suitable housing. To find out more about this opportunity, what’s involved and how to volunteer, click here.
6. Covid-19 update from Ottawa Public Health
In her January 12 update, Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health’s Medical Officer of Health, addressed a number of public concerns about back-to-school plans and vaccines. You can read her full statement here in English et ici en français.
Our neighbourhood vaccination hub is continuing to operate at Rideau High School, 815 St Laurent Blvd:
Tuesday and Thursday: 1 pm to 7 pm
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: 10 am to 4 pm
Vaccination hubs are intended for those living in the surrounding area to receive a 1st, 2nd or booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine, including for those aged 5-11. No appointment is needed to receive a vaccine or to speak with a Public Health nurse about COVID-19 vaccines.
Explore our website; donate here or follow us on our platforms!