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ConneXions: Call for submissions - Join the team!
OCA news
a. Next board meeting
b. New Official Plan update
c. Revitalization of Gil-O-Julien Park
d. A voice for anti-racism
e. 100th anniversary celebrations
Love to Play Soccer at Overbrook Community Centre - starts October 27 / Programme J'aime jouer au soccer au Centre communautaire d’Overbrook - debut 27 octobre
1. ConneXions: Call for submissions - Join the team!
Call for submissions
Editor Alex Pope and the team are putting together the Fall issue of ConneXions! The deadline for content is October 31, with copies landing in mailboxes in mid- to late November.
The timing is right for stories of giving and celebration whether it’s Hanukkah, Solstice, Christmas, Kwaanza, the New Year or more personal occasions or activities.
Or pitch other story ideas to Alex at editor@overbrook.ca. What would you like to tell our community about?
You are also invited to submit poems, photos and letters to the editor and let us know about birthdays and other milestones for our new Shoutouts and Celebrations section.
Please send all inquiries and submissions to editor@overbrook.ca. Submissions are accepted in French or English.
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Join the team!
We can always use more volunteer writers and production people. The bigger the team, the stronger the paper! If you are interested, please contact editor@overbrook.ca.
We are also building our delivery team. If you can take an hour to deliver in your area, please let us know at distribution@overbrook.ca.
2. OCA news
a. Next board meeting
Thursday, October 28, 8 p.m. on Zoom, all welcome! The agenda will include a discussion of board priorities. Join us if you would like to hear about what we are doing, and if you have ideas or suggestions to propose. The draft agenda and Zoom link can be found on our OCA Documents page.
b. New Official Plan update
OCA comments on the City’s proposed new Official Plan were submitted to the Planning & Agriculture and Rural and Affairs Committee last week. To see the presentation, check out this powerpoint presentation.
Special thanks to all who input into that enormous effort, including recent meetings with the Councillor's office, Community Collective (Ward 13 and Vanier community associations), FCA (Federation of Citizens’ Associations), etc. City Council is poised to adopt the Official Plan on October 27th.
OCA also endorsed the position of the FCA (focused on trees, tree canopy and parks) and signed theCommunity Collective joint letter that demanded a “Manage for Results” approach to implementing the plan.
c. Revitalization of Gil-O-Julien Park
Youth Ottawa tailors programs that meet youth where they are at.
Youth Ottawa and the North Gloucester Giants Football Club are partnering on a proposal to offer youth-focused programming at the City-owned field house in Gil-O-Julien Park. The plan, which is backed by the City, will improve the field house and playing field, provide barrier free local programming and employment experiences for youth. This is very exciting and promises to transform that park into a multisport facility, with football, soccer and year round basketball, fitness equipment and more!
d. A voice for anti-racism:
Board member Manock Lual has been selected to join the City’s new Anti-Racism Advisory Table. Made up of anti-racism leaders from racialized communities, the Table’s mandate is to raise awareness about systemic and individual experiences of racism, encourage actions to effectively address racism and provide input into the City’s Anti-Racism Strategy. The six priority areas the strategy will address: employment equity, housing, governance, economic development, health outcomes and youth development – all of which are within the City’s jurisdiction. Don’t hesitate to reach out to OCA if you want to comment on one of these items.
e. 100th anniversary celebrations
A small group of Overbrookies is already meeting to brainstorm and plan a community celebration next summer to celebrate 100 years since Overbrook was formally recognized as a community. Would you like to participate? Please email us at info@overbrook.ca.
3. Love to Play Soccer at Overbrook Community Centre -starts October 27 / Programme J'aime jouer au soccer au Centre communautaire d’Overbrook-debut 27 octobre
I Love to Play Soccer is an introductory soccer program for children ages 4 to 11 years who have not had the opportunity to play soccer. Instruction will be provided in ENGLISH.
Program Dates: Wednesdays from 4:00pm-5:00pm starting, October 27th for 8 weeks.
Location: Overbrook Community Centre (33 Quill Street, phone 613-742-5147) in the gymnasium.
There is no cost ($0) but CHILDREN MUST BE REGISTERED TO ATTEND because space is limited. Registration forms are available online and at the Overbrook Community Centre (9 am to 8 pm Monday-Friday) or contact Community Development Coordinator Javier Clavelo Robinson for assistance or more information: javier.clavelorobinson@ottawa.ca or (613) 614-5426.
What to wear: running shoes and comfortable clothes for activity. Bring a water bottle if you have one!
Covid regulations: Children will be screened upon arrival. They will not be permitted to access the program if they are exhibiting any Covid symptoms. Masks are required to be worn in the building until they are actively playing. Unfortunately parents will not be able to stay in the building due to current restrictions.
J’aime jouer au soccer est un programme d’initiation pour des enfants de 4 à 11 ans qui n’ont pas pratiqué le sport. Le programme sera livré EN ANGLAIS.
Dates: les mercredis à partir du 27 octobre 16h-17h. Le programme se déroulera durant 8 semaines.
Où : le gymnase du Centre communautaire d’Overbrook (33, rue Quill; tel 613-742-5147)
Cout : Gratuit. INSCRIPTION REQUISE. Les places sont limitées. Le formulaire d'inscription est disponible en ligne et au Centre communautaire d’Overbrook (entre 9h et 20h lundi au vendredi) ou vous pourriez contacter Javier Clavelo Robinson, Coordonnateur du développement communautaire, pour obtenir de l’aide ou pour plus d’informations : javier.clavelorobinson@ottawa.ca ou (613) 614-5426.
Comment s’habiller : espadrilles et des vêtements confortables pour le soccer. Apporte une bouteille d’eau si tu as en a une.
Règlement COVID : régulations: les enfants subiront une vérification à leur arrivée. S’ils ont des symptômes COVID, ils ne seront pas permis à y participer. Le porte de masque est obligatoire dans l’immeuble avant et après l’activité physique. Malheureusement, les enfants ne pourront pas rester dans l’immeuble contenant les protocoles actuels.