Our new website is live!
Photo courtesy of Joanne Lockyer
OCA News: Welcome to our new website - Fall issue of ConneXions - AGM
Remembrance Day at Riverside Memorial Park
Creative Well Theatre Project
Ward 13 Food Bank Fundraiser
SHINE: Youth Arts Microgrants / BRILLE : microsubventions pour les projets artistiques de jeunes
Youth Advisory Committee / Comité consultatif des jeunes
OCA News
1. Have you seen OCA's new website? It's full of useful information for you as Overbrook residents.
For the latest details on our current work and how you can get involved, check out our News page here: https://www.overbrook.ca
You can even sign up for our newsletter to receive all our updates directly in your inbox.
Let us know what you think: info@overbrook.ca.
Avez-vous vu le nouveau site web de l'ACO ? Pour savoir sur quoi nous travaillons et comment vous pouvez y participer, consultez notre page "Actualités" ici : https://www.overbrook.caYou.
Vous pouvez même vous inscrire à notre bulletin pour recevoir toutes nos mises à jour directement dans votre boîte de réception.
Dites-nous si vous l'aimez : info@overbrook.ca.
Un gros merci á Marjolaine Provost and her team of hardworking volunteers who have made this happen!
2. The fifth edition of ConneXions focussed on youth has been delivered in the past week kindness of Canada Post. Special thanks to the whole Newspaper team and especially Dave Weatherall for pinch hitting while Editor Alexandra Pope cares for new son, Marcus.
3. Our Annual General Meeting, scheduled to be held virtually on February 25, 2021. All residents are invited to participate! Stay tuned for more information.
4. Stay tuned, too, for news on other projects OCA volunteers are leading including fruit tree planting and proposed installation of Rideau River information kiosks near the Adàwe Crossing.
Remembrance Day at Riverside Memorial Park
Creative Well Theatre Project: Workshops
Ward 13 Food Bank Fundraiser
The Rockcliffe Park Residents Association (RPRA) is launching its Annual Holidays Fundraising Campaign for the Food Bank at the Rideau Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre at 815 St Laurent Blvd https://www.crcrr.org/. The Food Bank serves those in need in our Ward.
RPRA invites you to participate in this campaign through our “Local Food for our Local Food Bank” initiative which supports members of our community and our small businesses. Both need your help during these difficult times. To make your tax-deductible donation visit this link
SHINE: Youth Arts Microgrants / BRILLE : microsubventions pour les projets artistiques de jeunes
Let your artistic talents shine bright this winter. Apply for a Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO) youth arts microgrant to help bring your ideas to life. The call for proposals will be available on October 28, 2020. The art projects should be completed by April 30, 2021.
This grant is to support artists aged 12-25. Lead applicants must be 18 years old or older. Community agencies supporting youth artists are also welcome to apply.
For more information about funding, please visit crimepreventionottawa.ca for the program guidelines and application form. Applications must be completed by Monday, November 30th, 2020. Please join us for our virtual information session on Monday November 16th from 6 to 7 p.m. To confirm your attendance, please register
Cet hiver, faites briller vos talents artistiques. Présentez une demande de microsubvention pour un projet artistique dirigé par des jeunes auprès de Prévention du crime Ottawa pour vous aider à concrétiser vos idées. L’appel de propositions sera lancé le 28 octobre 2020. Les projets artistiques doivent être terminés d’ici le 30 avril 2021.
Cette microsubvention vise à soutenir les artistes âgés de 12 à 25 ans. Les demandeurs principaux doivent être âgés de 18 ans ou plus. Les organismes communautaires qui soutiennent les jeunes artistes sont également invités à présenter une demande.
Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur le financement et consulter les lignes directrices et le formulaire de demande, veuillez visiter le site preventionducrimeottawa.ca Les demandes doivent être soumises au plus tard le lundi 30 novembre 2020. Joignez-vous à notre séance d’information virtuelle le lundi 16 novembre, de 18 h à 19 h. Pour confirmer votre présence, veuillez vous inscrire.