Get involved - meetings, surveys and more
Pteparing for construction on Queen Mary at Lola…
1. OCA Board meeting, Oct. 22, all welcome!
2. Consultations and surveys:
a. City transportation,
b. City budget,
c. Interprovincial crossing,
d. Neighbourhood policing.
3. Rideau Winter Trail
4. Four Corners construction
1. OCA Board meeting
All residents are welcome to join the online Board meeting on Thursday October 22, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. on Discord, (all you need is an email address to register). You are invited to raise community issues during “Open Mic” early on the agenda and participate in all discussions.
2a. City Transportation survey until October 23
City of Ottawa news:
Until October 23, fill out our online questionnaire on what a fair and equitable transportation system looks like, and on the new technologies that are changing the way we move around the city.
The questionnaire also includes questions on the focus areas and network principles that will shape Ottawa’s new Active Transportation Plan, an updated plan that will combine the Ottawa Cycling Plan and the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan into one, and guide the policies and actions for the development of the city’s pedestrian and cycling network.
View this video and look at our digital display boards to learn more about the topics discussed in the questionnaire.
Nouvelles de la ville d’Ottawa :
Jusqu’au 23 octobre, participez pour remplir notre questionnaire en ligne sur les caractéristiques d’un réseau de transport équitable et sur les nouvelles technologies qui transforment la manière de se déplacer à Ottawa.
Le questionnaire comprend également des questions sur les secteurs prioritaires et les principes du réseau qui façonneront le nouveau Plan de transport actif d’Ottawa, un plan mis à jour qui englobe le Plan de la circulation piétonnière d’Ottawa et le Plan sur le cyclisme d’Ottawa et qui guide les politiques et actions dans l’établissement du réseau piétonnier et cyclable de la Ville.
Regardez cette vidéo et consultez nos tableaux d’affichage numériques pour en savoir plus sur les sujets abordés dans le questionnaire.
2b. Councillors consult on the City Budget, October 27
From Councillor Rawlson King, Rideau-Rockcliffe:
REGISTER now for BudgetSpeak 2021, to discuss how we can make housing a priority in the upcoming budget: REGISTER
2c. NCC survey on an interprovincial crossing plan, October 19 to November 2
De L’honorable Mona Fortier, Député Rideau-Vanier
Dans le cadre de l’étude du Plan intégré à long terme sur les liens interprovinciaux de la région de la capitale du Canada, la Commission de la Capitale nationale mettra en place un sondage en ligne à l’intention du grand public, celui-ci se déroulera du 19 octobre au 2 novembre. Le sondage et d’autres documents de référence seront bientôt disponibles sur la page Web du projet à l’adresse
From the Honourable Mona Fortier, MP Rideau-Vanier:
As part of the study of the Long-Term Integrated Interprovincial Crossing Plan in Canada’s Capital Region, the National Capital Commission will be conducting an online survey for the general public to give input, which will be from October 19 to Nov 2. The survey with additional reference material will be here on the project webpage soon:
2d. The Carleton University Neighbourhood Policing survey is ongoing
The Neighbourhood Policing Survey is still active online. Students who are currently registered in Sprott School of Business’ MBA class on Managing Change have developed this survey to help the Ottawa Police Service better understand the safety and security issues experienced by those living in Vanier/Overbrook as well as their satisfaction with the police services available in their neighbourhood. Information from this survey will inform the decisions regarding the direction of the neighbourhood resource team program. It will also provide benchmark data which will allow the OPS to evaluate the effectiveness of the neighbourhood resource teams.
If you haven’t already done so, complete the survey to help provide good representation of all members of the neighbourhood:
3. Looking forward to the Rideau Winter Trail!
Ready for winter? The Rideau Winter Trail will be open again this year to help us enjoy it and spend time outdoors! Cross-country skiing (classic and skate), walking, fat biking, snow shoeing in a beautiful setting by the river between the Rideau Sports Centre and the 417 and beyond. Stay up to date on the Rideau Winter Trail Facebook page!
4. Four Corners construction
Work has started at the intersection of Lola and Queen Mary – the Four Corners – and the revitalization project is on track for completion before winter arrives.