May board meeting and other news

  1. Join OCA’s next board meeting

  2. Congratulations Claudia Salguero!

  3. You are invited to the webinar series, Responding to Mental Health Crises: Learning from Models in Ottawa and Beyond!

  4. Ecology Ottawa petitions support urban trees and 15-minute neighbourhoods

  5. City presentation on active transportation

  6. Navigating online flirtationships and harassment - Naviguer les flirtations et le harcèlement en ligne

1. Join OCA’s next board meeting

The meeting will take place virtually this Thursday, May 20 at 8 p.m. and is open to everyone. Join us to find out more about our activities and share your issues and ideas. The agenda includes a speaker from the City’s Antiracism Secretariat. Click here for the full draft agenda. Join the meeting at: Log in and go to the Board room.

2. Congratulations Claudia Salguero!

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Claudia Salguero recently received the Ottawa Art Council’s Peter Honeywell Mid-career Artist Award for her contributions to the community as a professional working artist. Among many other projects, Claudia designed and worked with Overbrook young people to create our two murals on Queen Mary at Lola.  Congratulations and thank you, Claudia! 

Read The Ottawa Citizen article

3. You are invited to the webinar series, Responding to Mental Health Crises: Learning from Models in Ottawa and Beyond!


In Ottawa, Canada and the U.S., there have been many successful models for responding to mental health crises. Learn what is currently being done in response to mental health crisis situations in this series co-sponsored by the Social Planning Council of Ottawa, Minwaashin Lodge, Crime Prevention Ottawa, Ottawa Black Mental Health Coalition and Ottawa Community Partnership for Health Equity (OCPHE).

Visit the OCPHE website for full details about the series, to register for upcoming webinars and to view past ones. 

The next webinar, from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 19, features the CAHOOTS crisis response program in Eugene-Springfield, Oregon.

4. Ecology Ottawa petitions support urban trees and 15-minute neighbourhoods

Defend Our Trees! The petition calls on Ottawa City Council to commit to protecting our urban forest by investing in the Urban Forest Management Plan, implementing all improvements made and committing to a 40% per neighbourhood canopy cover target.

 An Action Plan for 15-minute neighbourhoods. The petition urges Council to take ambitious action to build walkable, dynamic 15-minute neighbourhoods city-wide.  

5. City presentation on active transportation

Councillors King and Fleury held a Ward 13 and 12 townhall on cycling, pedestrian and active transportation infrastructure on May 5, 2021. In case you missed it, the presentation City staff prepared for the event is available at the following links: in English ou en français.

6. Navigating online flirtationships and harassment - Naviguer les flirtations et le harcèlement en ligne

Crime Prevention Ottawa has released a new tool to help people spot the differences between healthy online flirtations and hidden harassment. Online harassment is a serious issue and the tool is designed to help people of all ages safely chat online and features:

  • A checklist to identify harassment

  • Examples of healthy chats versus harassment

  • Links to resources and support

Everyone deserves to feel safe online. Download the tool!

Prévention du crime Ottawa (PCO) offre un nouvel outil pour aider les gens à différencier les tentatives saines de flirt en ligne du harcèlement dissimulé. Le harcèlement en ligne est un problème dont il ne faut pas minimiser la gravité. Cet outil est conçu pour aider les gens de tous âges à avoir des discussions saines en ligne. Il comprend :

  • Une liste de points permettant de déterminer s’il s’agit de harcèlement

  • Des exemples de conversations saines et de propos pouvant être qualifiés de harcèlement

  • Des liens vers des ressources et des services de soutien

Tout le monde mérite de se sentir en sécurité en ligne. Télécharger l’outil!


Together with Neighbours


Vaccine news + OCA meeting invitation